The 10 day garden.

One of the things I missed the most last summer, while living in the apartment, was having a garden. Over the years I have grown to love digging my hands in the dirt, (ok, maybe I’ve always loved that) planting from seeds, tending to my growing vegetation and finally (literally) reaping the fruits of our labor.

About 10 days ago I realized, as much as we’ve been talking about it, and planning it, we were terribly behind in planting our garden. So we got to work.

I learned from an old high school friend who was into growing a certain plant from seed (no comment) that you can quickly sprout seeds by laying them on a very wet paper towel. So that’s what I did and low and behold within 2 days we had sprouts! Full disclosure, not all seeds were sprouting but it was certainly exciting to see the ones that were…I think this one is the broccoli.

While I was busy inside getting the seeds ready, harry was at work getting our plot ready and hopefully deer proof. It’s a crazy looking structure but so far so good. We still need to pick up some pie tins to tie up as an added deterrent.

With the help of my lovely sister inlaw who was staying with us for the week, we worked in the compost that I’ve been gathering all winter and spring, created rows, built a slate path and planted the seeds.

I’ve been watching it every day and am so delighted with the progress. We planted so many seeds not knowing what was going to grow but it looks like I’ll now be faced with the sad duty of thinning these babies out. It breaks my heart, but the plants that I weed out will go back in the compost bin and the cycle will continue.


Natural stairway to the garden

So there you have it, our 10 day garden. Hopefully the wildlife (including our own beasts!) will be kept from causing too much distruction!

Enjoy your week!

The Cohns