BUT…I was not given all of this. I was given a canvas, a set of good values (thanks Mom and Dad) and a spirit. Life is not always pretty, we all certainly have had and will continue to have our share of shit, but I believe we are all where we are because of two things, effort and attitude.
I choose to work hard in every area of my life where I want to be successful. I say no if I need to, I stay up late when I have to, I plan, I prep and I execute. Most work is done behind the scenes and many times you must be willing to work when no one is looking. How much effort are you putting into what you want out of life? Are you sitting on the couch wishing things will happen or are you doing something to make things happen?
In addition to hard work, there is attitude. If you think that life is happening “to” you, then there is room to grow…you see life happens and it is up to you to decide how you will think about what is happening and how you deal with what happens. You may not be in control of your circumstances all the time, but you are in control of your mind and how you think about them. If you think you are the victim, you are. If you think you are strong and can grow and learn from your situation, you are and you will. Easier said than done, I know, but you are still in control of your thoughts.
Hard work and a good attitude sounds so elementary. I can hear a little league coach putting those words in a speech to his team…but the basics are true no matter how old you are and what you want to accomplish. Happy Sunday!
Cheers and good health