Smoothie 101!

4I’m all about the smoothie this month! We’re 9 days into our smoothie challenge and we’re having a ton of fun!

Smoothies can be a great addition to your daily routine or even a meal replacement with the right portions of each of your macros (carbs, protein and fat)! They are a yummy way of getting in vital nutrients. Unlike juicing, (although I’m not knocking juicing), smoothies retain all of the fiber in the fruits and vegetables. You can add things like flax and chia seeds to increase the nutritional value or you can keep them bare bones!

I recently searched “smoothie recipes” on Google and 1,960,000 results were available! But, there are also a lot of questions about what’s the best way to put together a smoothie to get the most value. So, for those that are just starting out, I’ve put together my top 7 tips when making or following a smoothie recipe!

  1. Don’t overdo the fruit! –  1 – 1 ½ Cups of fruit should be enough to make the smoothie sweet enough to be palatable.
  2. Get the veggies in! – I like to add at least 2 cups of veggies to my smoothies.
  3. Your liquid should add nutritional value – Fruit juices (unless squeezed from the fruit directly) are processed, can contain added sugars and should be avoided. Stick with coconut water, unsweetened almond milk, skim milk or even green tea!
  4. Get some healthy fat in there – Especially if you are using a smoothie as a meal replacement. Raw nuts, nut butters (limit to about a teaspoon) or avocado can add yummy flavor and texture!13055338_10206461123667066_3846177309065601959_n
  5. Don’t forget the protein – When I talk with those that are using smoothies as a meal replacement, I recommend a no-sugar added, “clean” protein powder. Another option is to eat a hard boiled egg with your smoothie.
  6. Start with mild greens –  Baby spinach, baby kale and baby chard (you can get them in a mix at your local grocery store) all have a mild taste and they breakdown easier in the blender.
  7. Counter bitter greens with citrus – A squeeze of lemon or lime can help enhance the flavor of more bitter greens like arugula.
  8. Add some flare – Extras like vanilla, cinnamon, ginger and even cayenne pepper can add flavor and nutritional value!

BONUS: Here’s my ratios for the perfect blend:

  • 1 cup of fruit
  • 2 cups of veggies
  • 1 tsp of healthy fat, (or 1/8th of an avocado)
  • 1 cup liquid
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • flare of choice!

So there you have it…some good information without going too overboard! Share your favorite smoothie recipe or tip with me on Facebook. You can find me at or head over to my website and sign up to receive my free Beginner’s Guide to Getting Healthy and receive future challenge notifications!

Be healthy, be well!