I’m back! Wholly Macaroni Guys! What the hell? OK, not going to state the obvious, but the last 6 months have been, well…you know. If you recall, at the beginning of the year I started blogging weekly using the 52 Lists for Happiness journal as inspiration. My awesome daughter got it for me for Christmas.
I used the google randomizer to pick me a number, and that’s the list I wrote about. Go back to MY FIRST POST to get the deets!
The last one I wrote was on February 9. It was titled BE KIND, BE HAPPY. On February 9, Corona virus did make the front page of the NY Times but it was all about China. We (or at least I) had no idea that our lives were about to change. Really, really change.
I can write about so much. But today, my first day back, I’ll keep it simple. I picked up my journal and opened the google randomizer – it gave me list 31.
List the spaces in your life you would like to create more order and organization in. How appropriate! I’m in desperate need of order these day, but not necessarily in my physical spaces. So, like always, I’ll put my spin on this.
My list contains
1. Organize my daily habits like exercising and eating right, anyone feel unorganized in that area of your life? Lately I’ve just fit it in when it works – which is not really a bad thing, but getting on a better schedule along with planning an prepping lead to more success (at least for me).
2. Organize my study time and business building (I’m two-thirds done with my second nutrition coach certification).
3. Organize my calendar so I can get ALL THE THINGS done. I accomplish so much more when I ditch the lists and add tasks to my calendar.
I could go on, but these are just a few things that I want to prioritize. What about you? Do you have a physical space that needs organizing? Something else? Here’s the suggestion from Moorea Seal around taking action!
My goal is to finish the 52 Lists of Happiness by the end of 2020. As tough as this year has been for all of us, we can still find small things (or big) to be happy about.
As always, be healthy, be well.
The Cohns