Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live. ~Jim Rohn
What’s with this healthy post? Where are the chicken photos?
It’s been a while since I’ve written on health and wellness but this week I went back into my archives and was reminded on how this whole thing got started! And, although most of my posts this year have centered around our journey to a simpler more self-sustainable life, (posting goat milk recipes, filthy dog photos and the celebration of our first eggs), health and wellness is a huge part of my life. In fact at the beginning of the year (8 months ago) I posted on needing a little more structure in my fitness routine (you can read about it here) and am proud to say that I’m still on the bandwagon!
Let’s back up a little here and give you some background. Up until a couple of years ago, when I let my certifications run out, I was a personal trainer, group instructor, certified in nutrition and lifestyle coaching. I was the owner of Primal Wellness and taught classes 3 times a week in a nearby studio. I had a small but loyal following and I had dreams of opening up my own studio and/or health coaching business. But in life, things can take a turn, not for worse, just a turn. Our focus became on building our dream home, saving more money (because I was pretty much funding my business with our personal bank account) and yes, chickens. Not to mention a job promotion and some increased travel – so the decision was made to close up shop. It was hard, but necessary.
Where am I going with this?
Recently, I’ve found myself missing this very important piece of my life. Not the wellness piece, I live it everyday. I exercise 5-6 times a week (Right now I’m in my 7th week of Rev Abs, one of my favorite Beachbody Programs), I eat very well..the garden is helping this year 🙂 and I practice self care by taking time for me, getting 7-8 hours of sleep as often as possible and saying “no” when I need to. What I miss is teaching. I miss telling someone they can do something (like hold a plank), and watching their doubtful facial expression…and then they do it…and feel so proud of themselves. I miss the inspiration I gave but most of all the inspiration I received back.
What’s in it for you?
As much as a financial bust as my side gig was, I created really great resources that I would like to share. This first piece is an intro to health and wellness. It’s a guide to getting healthy and focuses more on mindset than the “how to”. Let’s face it, we all know that an apple is a healthier choice than a doughnut. So, just for you, without requesting your email (because let’s face it, most reading this are family and friends so I have your email already), HERE IS A LINK to the guide if you are interested. THIS LINK will go away in the future as I hope to have several freebies up on this site going forward for download which will require an email address. SO GET IT NOW!
So there you go, I promise not to stray too much from the norm, but felt compelled to highlight this very important part of my life.
The Cohns