The present was an egg laid by the past that had its future inside its shell. ~Nora Neale Hurston
We (ok, me) were a little worried on Friday when we went out to the coop to find only 3 eggs. We have 8 hens that have consistently been laying 5-7 eggs a day. It’s the slow down, I thought.
But yesterday there were 8 eggs and today 6!
Seriously, most of you are probably rolling your eyes. I actually want to punch myself in the face sometimes for being so obsessed with “the girls”.
But this journey that we’ve been on for the last year and a half (if you start from the beginning it’s been about 7 years!), growing our own food, living simpler, conserving, saving (prepping?) and trying our best to live a purposeful life where we take pride in all we do can be summed up by an egg. (Said the crazy chicken lady!)
Read that quote at the top again. The future is inside us. How are you shaping yours?
With love,
The Cohns