Hi Everyone, Happy November! I’ve been very busy today getting my email list up to date, creating my first newsletter and getting organized. It’s been an exciting few weeks with a lot going on as I launched my classes. I’m busy and a little tired, but more importantly fulfilled!
I want to make reference to a Tony Robinson quote that I used at the beginning of one of my classes this week:
“In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”
This quote really resonated with me. You can take what Tony is saying apply it to any area of your life, right? Consistency is key with your health, fitness and losing weight. If you show up one day a week at the gym, or eat healthy one day a week, that’s not really going to yield results. Obviously something is better than nothing, but if you want to see true results you need to show up more than one day a week.
But let’s take a look at this and apply it to some other areas that we may want to improve upon or see better or more positive results. What about your relationships? Are you “showing up” every day? Are you nurturing your relationships and giving them the attention they need? Or is it boundaries? If you feel taken advantage then you need to set and keep boundaries that prevent you from being someone’s scapegoat or punching bag. Is it your job? Are you present and consistent? If you are not satisfied with what you are doing, are you consistently taking action to find something else?
Maybe it’s the area of starting a new business or following a life long dream. You need to schedule time every day or every other day or few times a week where you are dedicating time to this area.
Tony Robbins quote is transparent in all areas of our lives. Stay consistent and see results. You are in control.